Your Breville Oracle Touch machine is an expensive investment in everyday happiness. To maximize the longevity of your machine, as well as the taste of your coffee, we recommend these maintenance steps and service intervals. Please note that we no longer recommend descaling on a regular basis... descaling is causing issues for many machines. Instead use soft or balanced water, and use the Claro Swiss (or equivalent) water filters to reduce hardness.
Download the maintenance plan in PDF:
Watch the video:
Flush the shower screen
Clean the steam wand
Empty the drip tray
Wash the portafilter & basket
Clear water backflush
Flush shower screen w/portafilter
Full machine wipe down
Wash the drip tray
Clean steam wand w/cleaning solution
Clean tamp fan
Clean the grinder
Wash the hopper
Deep clean spouted portafilter
As necessary:
Run the cleaning cycle (about every 2 months; prompted by machine)
Water filter (about ever 3 months; prompted by machine); use Claro Swiss filters
Clean the shower screen and spacer (about every 9 months; on your own)
Descale only as necessary
Points of emphasis:
Descaling is causing serious issues on some machines. We recommend using quality water from the onset, and changing your Claro Swiss water filters when the reminder appears on the machine. Claro Swiss filters can be pricey; you can opt for this version, which also reduces water hardness through ion-exchange resin and active carbon.